About the Database
Notch cross-talk signaling pathway (NCCSP) is a central signaling pathway which communicates with multiple signaling pathways to regulate the biological activity. Also, the activity of cross-talking signaling pathways can be triggered by a certain environment to do the desired actions and interaction effects depend on the crosstalk and microenvironment of the signaling pathway. The study of the Notch signaling pathway expands the understanding of cancer crosstalk signaling pathways. In some cases, the notch crosstalk receptors mutations may suppress or inhibit the cancers. Many documentary studies have been done in NCCSPD but, there is no proper database to fill this important gap. So, we have developed NCCSPD (NOTCH Crosstalk Cancer Signaling Pathway Database) an open-access database to the users contains curated information about intercommunicating signaling pathways that is related to notch receptors. The database provides statistical value for each mutation on the protein that belongs to the crosstalk signaling pathways and is displayed in text format. Besides, the available protein three-dimensional structures can be viewed using the Jmol Plug-in. The database user interface was developed using CGI-PERL and periodically updates using a PERL script. NCCSPD would be supportive data in the areas of Molecular and Structural Biology.
© DCDS, IISc, Bangalore- 560 012, India.